Monday 28 September 2009

25th and 26th September 2009

Friday 25th - I warn you, this will be a loooong entry! Today has been a bit of a nightmare. So straight in with the action: This morning we were involved in a road accident. I was knocked down by a motorbike and bicycle while we were attempting to cross the road opposite the Oasis offices in Kampala. It was a terrifying experience. Just to let you know now - I AM OK! The bike hit me and I fell and landed on my face/head. Sounds funny now writing it in retrospect, but it was awful at the time. My nose was pouring blood everywhere and I looked a complete state... I have a gash down my right leg, which now has the most impressive bruise EVER around it.. I have one black eye, which has been alternately all the colours of the rainbow, and the other eye is half-bruised. There's a lump and sizeable cut on my forehead, which had to be glued up, and a few grazes on my face. I was taken to a clinic almost immediately and cleaned up. It's amazing that the injuries aren't any worse; I thank God that I didn't lose consciousness or break my nose. I was caught in the wheels after I fell, so I could easily have been run over again because the traffic just doesn't stop moving. God is always faithful, and now I can stand by that even more strongly than before. He protected me from being seriously hurt; I'm amazed that I didn't break any bones or crack my skull, because I didn't put my arms down to break my fall.

The girls were incredible and carried me off the road. I was concussed and in shock, panicking for a while, but the shock is beginning to wear off now (it's the 28th at the time of writing..) I've been finding it pretty scary to cross road because the traffic here is very unpredictable; people just don't stick by the rules. Please pray that I overcome this fear and that what happened doesn't limit my experiences here in any way. I just LOVE the way God has protected and looked after me and the rest of the team; he's so awesome :D
Mum - just to make you smile, I was amazed that you were so calm on the phone and didn't flip out!!! I'm so proud ;)

I went back to the Bambejja project for our theological training at 11 because I didn't want to miss out on anything. We went home early and Rachael made me lie down and rest cos my head and nose were so painful. There is still pain there now, so please pray that this goes away completely... The other issue is the cut near my eyebrow; I can't move my eyebrows cos it hurts too much!! Only now have I realised what over-active eyebrows I have; it's SOOOO annoying!!!! I need eyebrow usage back :D

Saturday 26th - Kids club day... In quite a large amount of pain, but I don't want to be overcome so got on with it anyway. There were lots fewer kids than we expected, which was kinda nice. We played some games, did some songs and stories with them. We also met a guy from World Vision - we do the kids club at their centre in Namaliri - and he said we could go out with some people from their organisation to show us the work they do in the community. Sounds like another good link to have :) I used to sponsor a boy in
Bolivia with World Vision when I was younger.. Anyway! Didn't have the girls group tonight like we would normally do, so we got to have a relax and sat with some books and music. I like our relaxed evening times; we definitely need them after the craziness of the daytimes. There's so much going on, so many people to see and kids to play with and sessions to plan, not to mention actually going to the schools and groups and church things to run the sessions!! My head and nose are obviously very painful and I'm finding it draining just being awake and doing things. Had a big cry this evening with the girls; it's been a long day. Lots of different emotions over the last week, it's so strange!

Been feeling very homesick today... The fact that we're here for 5 months still hasn't sunk in. For friends who are reading this: I hope you're having a FANTASTIC start to life at uni. I'm really sad I can't be there to share it with you :( Enjoy it, be safe, and pleeeease stay in touch and tell me all about it. I don't wanna get home and not know any of you anymore!! Plus I'm gonna need advice for when I get there next year....... fingers crossed! :) I've got a load of photos and letters and cards stuck up all round my bed, and framed photos in the living room so the girls have total randomers staring at them all the time, but they don't mind!

If you wanna send any letters, cards or presents (HINT HINT!!) our address is:

PO Box 3518

Christmas post here is terrible; I have birthday cards and Christmas cards to send home but they might not get to you for ages... I'll do my best! :) Missing you all, especially the Osborn clan, tons and tons and tons, but hopefully I'll speak to some of you soon WHEN YOU EMAIL!!! :)

Read on for Sunday! :)

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